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School Safety

Like all Thompson R2J schools, Edmondson has a clearly outlined safety plan called our Prepare Plan.  We believe that through practice and having a clear plan, we ensure the safety of students and staff in emergency situations.  We revise and review this plan each year.  Additionally, we provide every staff member with their RED NOTEBOOK that contains this plan as well as emergency contact information for every student.  Below are the procedures we use to be prepared as well as those procedures we follow in case of an emergency.

  1. Once a month we have a drill to practice our procedures.  We will have evacuation drills, hold drills, lockdown drills, secure drills, and a simulated site evacuation drill during the school year.
  2. If there is a police action in our neighborhood, and we need to lockdown the building, please realize that the building will be locked and no one (with the exception of emergency personnel) will be allowed in the building.  This means that parents will need to wait outside until authorities tell us the situation is over and we do not need to be locked down.
  3. If we have to do a site evacuation, we will have students and staff walk from their fire drill locations to one of two locations: #1. Immanuel Lutheran Church located at 4650 Sunview Drive, or #2. Bussed to Loveland High School.  Immanuel Lutheran is our first evacuation site.  If for some reason it is not safe to evacuate to this site, we will evacuate to Loveland high School.  We ask you to help us by following the procedure below:
    1. Please plan on picking your child up at the designated evacuation site.
    2. You will need to show identification and sign a roster that you have checked your child out (each teacher will have this to sign).
    3. Remain patient and help us reunite every child with every family.